At ordinary times, we are used to wearing shoes that are well-suited, but shoes worn in the field cannot be “fitting†feet, but should be at least one size bigger than the shoes that are usually worn. This is because prolonged walking can make your feet swell up. If your shoes feel right when they are put on, it will feel a bit squeezing after walking for a while. And it is best not to wear new shoes, because everything has a running-in process, and your feet and new shoes run in, preferably before you go.
Usually we go to outdoor activities will choose to travel shoes, its soft, comfortable, easy to walk, the general outdoor sports shoes is a more sensible choice. To the terrain is more complex, especially when the gravel slope travel, travel shoes become powerless, easily lead to foot or leg injuries. Therefore, high-altitude hiking boots with hard bottoms should be used for mountain travel. Because of the large tire-shaped pattern at the bottom of this type of shoe, the anti-slip performance is good. The sole made of hard rubber can effectively prevent rubbing and injury to the sole of the foot on a gravel or uneven road surface; the upper of the mountaineering is usually made of cowhide or hard nylon canvas with excellent texture, waterproof and warmth. All good. In particular, high-waist mountaineering shoes can do their best to protect your ankles, reduce the impact of walking on the knees, and make long-distance walking safe and easy.
Do not ignore the choice of socks, field activities to wear pure cotton socks as the best choice, it is soft, sweat absorption, so that your feet always keep dry, you may wish to take more than a couple of spare, so as not to encounter wet socks and the like The accident did not change. The taste of wet socks can be unpleasant, and it is also very bad for health.
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