Because the disinfectant disinfection is related to silver ions, when silver ions react with microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, they destroy the enzyme proteins they depend on and cause them to die. Compared with other disinfectants, the silver ion disinfectant has a low dosage and no toxic side effects (the rats have oral LD50>=5000mg/kg), and it has no irritation to the skin, oral mucosa, conjunctiva and burn wounds. When you use the product, you don't feel any "discomfort" and can use it safely.
The main component of the disintegrating agent is active high-valent silver ions, which are assisted by an oxidizing agent. Silver ions have a strong ability to kill and kill algae. Once the silver ion contacts the negatively charged bacteria, it immediately sucks the bacteria body. When the concentration of silver ions reaches a certain concentration, it quickly penetrates into the bacteria body, changing the chemical composition of the bacteria body and causing the bacteria to die.
E. coli and S. aureus can be killed 100% in 10 minutes with a 50 ppm disinfectant. Spores (Bacillus subtilis) can be killed by 99.9% with 500 ppm disinfectant. It can also kill hepatitis B virus.
The disinfectant has been tested to have an LD50 of >5000 mg/kg without irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.
The disinfectant has a pH of 5-7. It does not contain heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic or copper.
Core Technology
1 "Silver ion" sterilization of pure natural minerals, modern technology continues the ancient sterilization method.
2 colorless, odorless, non-toxic side effects, no irritation, no allergies, high efficiency and broad spectrum, safe and environmentally friendly.
3 completely bid farewell to the traditional "chemical disinfection" concerns, different from all similar products on the market.
4 unique high-priced active "silver ion" technology, leading the international advanced level.
Newest technology:
1 Pure natural mineral "silver ion" internationally recognized safe, environmentally friendly and effective anti-virus technology.
2 Pure natural mineral "silver ion" kills harmful bacteria, protects beneficial bacteria and maintains bacterial balance.
3 Natural mineral “silver ion†advocates a new concept of sterilization, disinfection, health, efficiency and safety.
Authoritative identification:
1 National Torch Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
2 Key industrialization projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
3 Key new products identified by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other five ministries.
4 National Science and Technology Ministry SME Innovation Fund Support Project.
5 The three headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the General Staff, and the General Assembly will be used for five years.
6 years of testing and clinical use by authorities.
China Antibacterial Fabric Network Latest Antibacterial Fabric Information
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