LGBTQIA Pride Month and the Midwest Trans Prisoner Penpal Project

"We strive to work against the isolation and deprivation that the prison system uses to keep those on the inside from connecting to those on the outside.  We reach out to trans, queer, and gender-variant prisoners specifically because they are targeted by the police and prosecution, and incarcerated at disproportionate rates. The prison system further isolates and segregates trans people disconnecting them from human contact and from the outside world.  We believe that sharing life stories and friendships through the practice of letter writing is one way of knowing the prison experience and connecting to people, and, thus, rejecting prison’s systematic use of isolation, silencing, and dehumanization.  We do this work as a step towards a world without prisons." - MWTPPP
I recently reached out to a young man and am awaiting his response.  Will keep you posted!  Here's how to get started:
• Visit the site
• Click "Become a Pen Pal" on the left side of the page
• Open the link for the wait list and select a pen pal you'd like to correspond with
• Email the MWTPPP team at and submit your request.  They will respond with a confirmation.
• Now you can write a note introducing yourself - whatever you feel comfortable sharing.  All mailing information is included on the waitlist spreadsheet.
• Thank you for caring!
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