1. Anti-inflammatory eye drops. Dr. Mark Millos, an emergency specialist in New York, said that frequent use of anti-inflammatory eye drops can lead to dry eyes, allergies, and even eye diseases. He suggested going to the hospital to check the cause of redness in the eyes and to prescribe the right medicine.
2. Antibacterial soap. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 75% of soaps or hand sanitizers contain antibacterial ingredients, but there is no evidence that antibacterial products have better antibacterial effects than ordinary soaps. Dr. Millos recommends washing hands with regular soap for at least 20 seconds.
3. Mouthwash. In addition to patients with oral diseases such as dry mouth, healthy people do not have to use deodorized mouthwash. Experts recommend that in order to prevent bad breath, brush your teeth twice a day and floss your teeth. If bad breath is lingering for a long time, you should pay attention to gingivitis, dental caries and even diabetes.
4. Toothbrush disinfectant. According to the American Dental Association, there are many kinds of bacteria in the human mouth, and new toothbrushes also have bacteria. No research has confirmed that toothbrush disinfectants are good for health. Experts suggest that after using the toothbrush, rinse it with tap water and dry it with the head facing up.
5. Toner. Patricia Faris, a professor of dermatology at the University of Tulane School of Medicine, said that most people can restore their skin's pH without having to use toner. She recommends removing skin oils with a neutral detergent or a non-scented normal soap.
6. Expensive moisturizer. Dr. Rebecca Kajin, an expert at Johns Hopkins University, said that no research has confirmed that the more expensive and moisturizing the moisturizer, the better the effect. She recommends that general moisturizers containing retinol or antioxidants with a sun protection index of 30 or higher are also effective against wrinkle skin care.
7. Vitamin supplements. Dr. Millos said that healthy people do not need to add extra vitamins to make up for harm. Experts suggest that you should balance your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables.
8. Vaginal rinse. The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) said that the vagina has a self-cleaning function, and vaginal washing is not necessary, but it will disturb the vaginal acid-base balance and is more prone to infection. Experts suggest that abnormal secretions and odors should occur, and gynecological examination should be done in time.
9. Fragrance women's products. Like vaginal lotion, feminine pads such as scent pads and sprays have many disadvantages, which can easily lead to infection in private parts. ACOG experts recommend that you choose a fragrance-free feminine product and keep it private, use neutral soap or warm water to clean the vulva.
10. Prevent cold medicines. Dr. Milrose said that research on vitamin C against colds has not yet reached a qualitative conclusion. The Mayo Clinic found that some cold nasal sprays are prone to slow olfactory. Experts suggest that frequent hand washing is the key to preventing colds.
(Editor: Xu Xiaoyu)
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