Many people like shoes, have more than one pair of shoes, and even some are some special shoes, such as signature shoes, NBA star shoes, wedding shoes and the like. So how to change the collection, maintenance of shoes it? Collectors suggest that you want to make shoes a hundred years old, to avoid the three elements: air, sunshine, water. Air with bacteria, long-term exposure to the sun under the non-maintenance of shoes, not to mention the moisture will accelerate the death of shoes. If the purchase of NBA star shoes is a pure collection, in order to avoid oxidation, discoloration and even broken shoes, pay attention to the collection of three steps: 1. The shoes on the clip bag, throwing packets of desiccant; then shoes into the shoe box, Into the bag of desiccant. 2. The shoe box into a black plastic bag, sealed with tape to ensure dry. 3. Prior to making a good picture of the shoes, affixed to the plastic bag, and then a box into the closet collection. Although these procedures cumbersome and laborious, but in order to ensure that the shoes dry, unaffected by moisture, collectors best weekly or finishing time.
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