Bennett leather shoes are popular with bright leather. Experts reminded that patent leather shoes must not be wiped shoe polish. Proper maintenance can effectively extend its service life.
To clean the patent leather shoes, clean the dust on the upper with a clean soft cloth. Slight smear can be used 50 parts of water, 2 parts liquid soap plus 1 part of alcohol, wipe with a soft cloth, then the shoes naturally dry in a ventilated place. When the shoes are placed and stored, each one is preferably individually covered with a shoe bag to prevent the leather from being contaminated by other colors. In addition, patent leather shoes can not be exposed to the sun, otherwise it is prone to yellowing, leather cracking and aging phenomena.
Because the surface layer of the patent leather is of a resin type and has no perspiration function, it is easy to grow bacteria in continuous wear. It is best to use it on alternate days and put the shoes in a ventilated place after use to keep the shoes dry and clean.
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