GIRDEAR Gedi 2017 spring new knitted sweater series popular mix

GIRDEAR Gedi 2017 spring new knit sweater series popular collocation wardrobe beautiful things, you never wear not greasy, but it is still a simple but high-value knitted sweater. There is no full score of ruffled knits, and the outstanding white vest is awe-inspiring.

Cotton Flame Resistant Fabric

Xinke Protective cotton flame resistant fabric has good breath ability and wicking properties, soft and comfortable. This is a characteristic of all-cotton materials, which allows us to develop a more comfortable feel while developing flame retardant functions. Of course, other materials fabrics have their own characteristics, such as cotton polyester fr fabric, cotton nylon fr fabric, arimid fabric, modacrylic fabric etc. If you are interested, you can find their related introductions in other categories.

Cotton Flame Resistant Fabric,Flame Resistant Fabric,Fire Resistant Fabric,Stain Flame Resistant Fabric

Xinxiang Xinke Protective Technology Co, Ltd. ,

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