There are two main types of face paint, the compound makeup in a pallet form and the standard everyday liquid paint.We are focusing on the standard liquid paint here.
You can apply the Face Paint with fingers, sponge or a brush directly from the jar.
Try to always have plenty of water, brushes, sponges, clean towels, tissues or wipes, mixing pots or palette, a mirror, book of face painting designs that they paint.
You will need a selection of different size brushes, some for painting and others for effects. Sable hairbrushes are best but nylon brushes will work perfectly well. Some people prefer flat and others round brushes, but the important thing is to a good selection of sizes. If you can, try to have one brush for each colour you are painting or thoroughly wash out the brush between colours.
Buy make-up sponges made from soft foam. You can cut larger sponges into smaller wedge shapes. Sponges are ideal for applying your base coat or large areas of one colour. Again, it is best to have one sponge per colour, as things get messy very quickly.
Spare Pots or Mixing Palette:
Most professional face painters prefer to mix the basic 5 or 6 colours to create their own colours. For this you will need a mixing tray or pots. You can cover the tray with a cling film or put the lid on the jars to reuse the paint later. You may need to add water if you leave it for a few days.