Buy cashmere sweater, beware of buying "fine wool"



Lightweight, soft cashmere sweaters with good thermal properties are increasingly popular with consumers.

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The price of cashmere and its products known as "soft gold" is even more bullish in recent years. There are two or three thousand cashmere sweaters in the mall. The online shopping channel may only be two or three hundred. As a consumer, how to buy The “Weekly Quality Lecture Hall” jointly sponsored by the Yangzi Evening News and the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision, invited Xu Xiaofeng, Vice Minister of the Provincial Textile Testing Institute Quality Department, and invited her to talk about the purchase of cashmere sweaters. Tips.

Yangzi Evening News reporter Xue Ling

Why is the price of cashmere sweaters high?

Limited production is called "soft gold"

Cashmere sweaters and cashmere fabrics are not only light and soft, smooth and delicate, but also have a good thermal performance, which has been favored by many consumers. Compared with sweaters, the price of cashmere sweaters is significantly higher, There is an ordinary cashmere sweater in the market, the price has reached two or three thousand yuan. Why is the price of cashmere sweater so high? Reporter learned that cashmere refers to cashmere, taken from the goats living in the alpine areas The inner layer of fluff, while the wool refers to the sheep wool, the cashmere is fine, light, soft, has good elasticity, breathability, warmth. The current annual output of cashmere in the world is about 15,000 tons, and the output of our country accounts for the whole world. More than 60%, accounting for the world's first, even if the cashmere production is still very limited, because each goat's annual cashmere production is only about 200 grams, so cashmere also got a "soft gold" title.

How to distinguish cashmere wool?

Same thickness 掂 component

Because wool and cashmere are wool fibers, their physical and chemical properties are also very close. Even professionals need to observe the fiber morphology under a microscope to accurately distinguish between wool and cashmere. The most common way for consumers to judge is to burn, but this The method can only roughly determine whether the chemical fiber component is contained in the fabric. If the odor of the wool yarn burning is not the taste of the burned hair, and the burned ash has a granular lump, the chemical fiber is contained. However, if the burned hair smells, the residue The material was black and grey coke-like, and it was crushed with a finger and it could not explain that it was cashmere. It only proved that the material was animal plush.

Due to the high price of cashmere, many consumers are most worried about buying cashmere sweaters when purchasing cashmere sweaters. How can consumers determine whether they are cashmere sweaters? First look at the logo, the regular brand Cashmere sweaters are marked with cashmere content, 100% cashmere is marked as pure cashmere sweater, cashmere blended products containing 30% or more cashmere, cashmere is less than 30% can not be called cashmere sweater. Second hand touch, cashmere The shirt's hand feels soft and smooth, without irritating itching. Again than weight, because the average fineness of cashmere is much lower than the average wool fineness, the weight of cashmere sweater of the same specification is much lighter than the sweater.

Is pilling a quality issue?

A small amount of pilling is a normal phenomenon

How many thousands of dollars a piece of clothing, why will play? Many consumers in cashmere sweaters and other cashmere products will find that cashmere sweaters also have the phenomenon of pilling, it will question the quality of the product. Xiaofeng told reporters, It is a normal phenomenon that cashmere products play a role, since cashmere fibers have small fineness, the fiber length is shorter than wool, the number of crimps is small, and the cohesion force is small in the yarn. Therefore, it is easy to play the ball after friction. However, the industry standard for the playing of cashmere sweaters also has Requirements, qualified cashmere products must not be less than 3 pilling, that allows the pilling, but not a serious pilling. Cashmere sweater with the density of its knitting, tight cashmere structure is not easy to pilling. In addition to cashmere products Pilling is easier to remove, and generally does not affect appearance after removing the pilling.

Due to the high price of cashmere sweaters, consumers are advised to choose cashmere sweaters and other cashmere products with high brand awareness. Since cashmere sweaters are relatively soft, many consumers prefer to wear them personally. It is recommended that consumers purchase them. When the best look at the label, the security category is B type cashmere sweater and cashmere knitwear can be worn personally, and the safety category of C class cashmere products is best to wear outside. In addition need to remind consumers that cashmere Normally, the shirt will not shrink, so don't be fooled when buying cashmere sweaters.

Cashmere sweater wear stress?

Try not to rub against hard objects

When cashmere sweaters are purchased, there are many “don’ts”, and they are also very particular about daily wear and washing. Xu Xiaofeng reminds consumers that when wearing cashmere sweaters, it is necessary to minimize the friction with hard objects. Cashmere sweaters are worn inside. At the time, the inner lining of the jacket is preferably smooth and soft so as not to locally rub the ball. In addition, the cashmere sweater should not be worn continuously for a long time. It is better to change it for about 10 days so as to avoid fiber fatigue.

Cashmere sweater cleaning, first look at the washing signs on the clothes, according to wash instructions to select dry cleaning or washing. General cashmere sweater dry cleaning and washing can be, if it is their own hand wash, the best selection of cashmere detergent, at less than 40 °C Gently rubbing in warm water, washing cashmere shirt is best to face outward in order to reduce friction, to prevent pilling. Washable after washing machine can be dehydrated, and then tile dry, should avoid sun exposure, to prevent fading. If the cashmere sweater Wash labels can be machine washable, you can use a washing machine. When washing, it is best to coat a cashmere sweater with a laundry bag. After washing, the cashmere sweater is best steamed with a 120-140°C steam iron to maintain the shape of the clothes. And avoid mildew.

Microfiber fabric


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